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Gratitude for Beautiful Things

If you’ve been reading for a while, you know that most images on this site are from photos I take while out walking. It’s a holiday weekend, so I thought I’d share a few pictures from the past two months—a few reasons to feel grateful for the world around us. Landing Just So Dew-Kissed November… Continue Reading

Because Gratitude

Thanksgiving. A lovely reminder to be grateful. Grateful for the fall leaves, for sunlight, for new ideas to explore… What does gratitude do for us? Once upon a time, when life had most definitely “happened,” and I was feeling pretty down, I received this advice: Once a day, write down three things that made you… Continue Reading

Instructional Design: Not for the Faint of Heart

Sometimes it makes sense to ponder something that’s new or different. Question: What kind of tree has leaves like this? We learn all the time. But the whole process of learning is complex because individuals, environments, organizations, content, goals, and a host of other things vary. Experts can help people to learn. But they do… Continue Reading

Seeing More Clearly in an Opinionated World

In (for example) news, history, sociology, psychology, management, or marketing, I don’t think there’s such a thing as an “opinion-free zone.” Maybe in math and some of the sciences, but even there you find opinions. Once upon a time I had a history/government teacher who gave us a homework assignment I haven’t seen since. It… Continue Reading

Instructional Design Challenges & What to Do About Them

In my early days as an instructional designer I had any number of “learning experiences.” Each of the following little stories actually happened. I’m telling them now because they could happen to anybody… and you might find the remedies useful. Or at least it might be helpful to ponder what you would do in similar… Continue Reading

Thank You for Your Service

On Sunday, three veterans walked up the aisle to light the candles. Without a word, everyone stood up. Silent. Respectful. Moving. Quiet Tribute On Veterans Day (or any other day), there isn’t an adequate way to say thank you. Still, we can try. Ways to Thank a Veteran. Here are 101 ways from Walk,… Continue Reading

Getting It Together: Sixth, Keep It Together

If you are following along in order, first, we made a little time & second, we defined what having it together would look like. Third, we made a list of the things in our way. Fourth, we figured out where to start. And fifth, we cleaned up our lists. Are we done yet? Not quite.… Continue Reading

Getting It Together: Fifth, Clean Up Your List

If you are following along in order, first, we made a little time & second, we defined what having it together would look like. Third, we made a list of the things in our way. In the last post, we figured out where to start. And now, let’s get started. Baby Step 5: Clean Up… Continue Reading

Getting It Together: Fourth, Pick a Place to Start

If you are following along in order, first, we made a little time. Second, we defined what having it together would look like. Third, we made a list of the things in our way. Now let’s pick a place to start. Baby Step 4: Pick a Place to Start What to tackle first? Between wherever… Continue Reading

Getting It Together: What’s in the Way?

If you are following along in order, first, we made a little time & second, we defined what having it together would look like. Now we’re going to look at what might be in the way. Baby Step 3: Identify Barriers in Your Way Barriers (or Enhancements). Here are some examples of things that can… Continue Reading