Some new friends have been raving about The Five-Minute Journal. Five minutes a day to improve your life: accomplishing more and feeling better, too. Oz watches over my journal. Being a cat, he’s asleep on the job. Having kept a journal for a very long time, I set out to investigate. It turns out that… Continue Reading
How about a little less distraction and a lot more focus? In a world where you can open a new browser tab at a moment’s notice to look up anything under the sun, it’s easy to end up reading about random things. This doesn’t help with the current task at hand. Enter Momentum Dashboard for… Continue Reading
The end of the year is a great time to look back over the last year and also forward to the next one. Or… really any time is a good time to make a plan if you don’t have one yet. Where to go from here? People who have written goals are so much more… Continue Reading
If you are celebrating, Merry Christmas! Thinking About Candy Canes For many, this is a busy time of year, following a year full of busyness. For a quintessential example, there’s my favorite sales exec. He works really hard, outperforms everybody, and could probably use a well-deserved break about now. Days Off. For most of us,… Continue Reading
Okay. Good idea. Now, how to make that happen? Walking After the Rain The American Heart Association recommends more exercise than most people get. For overall cardiovascular health: At least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity at least 5 days per week for a total of 150, for example, walking 3 miles/hour, general gardening, or… Continue Reading
Let’s say you want to share your expertise, and you’d like to make sure that people notice you, too. One of my readers, who is considering writing a blog of her own, wrote to ask these questions: “How do you manage to find the time to keep a quality presence on multiple platforms?” “Are you… Continue Reading
What if we were to offer smallish bits of training to make skill enhancements, updates, reviews, and following up a little easier? I’m working with some folks to do just that, and they’re calling it “flash training.” Here All Summer: Gone in a Flash What is flash training? It’s a small unit of instruction, created… Continue Reading
Have trouble remembering when to say less vs. few? How about stumbling over who vs. whom? Or maybe you find yourself pausing before saying affect or effect? That vs. which? Toward or towards? Or what if there are pitfalls that you haven’t learned yet? I see examples all the time. Alot is not a word.… Continue Reading
Do they work? Can people learn from them? Are they a colossal waste of time? Can so many learners at once find value? Here’s my answer: It depends. I posted a link to an article about types of MOOCs the other day, and two people I respect jumped into the comments to suggest that MOOCs… Continue Reading
When I was teaching a graduate course in instructional design at USC, I mentioned that it doesn’t make sense to consider “learning styles” when designing or delivering instruction. Some of my students looked at me like I was nuts. How do you teach an “auditory learner” to recognize Ginkgo leaves? A colleague recently made an… Continue Reading