It’s not so unusual for people in a meeting not to be sure where they are going or how they’re going to get there. Here are two considerations that we should make sure are clear. What are the next steps? Where do they lead? 1. Why are we talking about this? I used to go… Continue Reading
Q: When is procrastination our friend? A: When we work on one useful project while avoiding another. For example, you finish your geometry homework while avoiding writing a book report. (However, you still have to write the book report.) Project as interesting as watching paint dry? Take a pause and keep after it. The rest… Continue Reading
Segways are not just for cool tours of the River Walk in San Antonio (say). Segues (obviously of a different kind) are also great for presentations, facilitating a class, or even for moving from one topic to another in print or online. Years ago I was facilitating a “friendly alpha” version of a course. My colleagues,… Continue Reading
To recap from Part I:
Packing. What if I loved it?
Do I love it now? Not so much.
What’s in the way? Mostly, last-minute packing that takes too much time. So, after much thought, not to mention reading blog posts about packing and watching YouTube videos of smiling people rolling their clothes and stuffing… Continue Reading
For everyone who is a mom or has provided mom-like love to others, I hope you had a lovely Mother’s Day. On Mother’s Day (and every day) those of us who have lost our moms treasure them all the more. Wishing everyone all the best, Jeanne
After staying up late to pack (for the zillionth time—because Miss Procrastination usually tells me that there’s no good time for packing), I asked myself this question: What if I loved packing for business travel? Which of the following best describes your feelings about packing? Hate it Am I done yet? Don’t mind it Like… Continue Reading
There we were, in a room full of smart, talented people. We’d been asked to give input for the strategic direction for an organization that we’d all been part of for many years. It was an invitation-only event, and people had traveled from all over the U.S. and beyond to provide assistance. Don’t Tie Up… Continue Reading
For the 95% of us who, at least sometimes, suffer from procrastination, there are many tips & tricks for “getting with the program.” Piecing the Day Together Here’s a productivity and motivation enhancement that I added to my main KanbanFlow (KBF) board for as soon as I officially start my workday. (You could do this… Continue Reading
So, you want to meet a friend or business colleague who lives or works some distance from you. You’d like to meet halfway, but where is that, exactly? And where shall you meet? Starbucks? A restaurant? Enter Meet Me in the Middle, by MeetWays. The other day I was meeting a client who was working… Continue Reading
A rose is not about reviewing one petal at a time. A few principles to follow… Do not go over the features of the software one at a time. Feature 1, Feature 2, etc. Eyes glaze over. Nobody remembers much after this. Do not organize software training based on the menus. See #1. If the users… Continue Reading