Just got up? What to do first? If you’re like me, it’s a good thing to answer this question before morning comes. Otherwise, it’s too easy to get distracted. Photo © Jeanne Farrington I used to think: There has to be a great way to start my days, with just the right actions, in just the… Continue Reading
Although not for the faint of heart, this book provides a thorough overview and a fairly deep dive into the instructional design process, from analysis to evaluation. It’s a great textbook for a graduate students, and it’s a good reference for instructional designers in K-12 or corporate settings at any stage in their careers. Smith &… Continue Reading
If you give presentations, one day, despite your best efforts, you’ll find yourself talking to a room full of people without knowing much about them. What could go wrong? Everyone has seen the train wreck that results when a speaker completely misjudges the audience. Let’s not do that. Here’s what to avoid: Starting too high—your… Continue Reading
If you’re like me, you sometimes have a big jumble of thoughts that you want to organize into a coherent something: maybe a talk, a post, an article, or a plan. If I’m writing or working on a talk, then I start by drawing a mind map. For me, this safely bridges that frightening territory… Continue Reading
Now & then I want to share something I’ve learned. Lately I’ve been making lists of things to share… and now, I’m writing—in case some of these topics resonate with you—and also, so they’ll stop asking me to write them down. I’m interested in many things, for example, learning, work, healthy living, and making things… Continue Reading