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Bookshelf: The War of Art

By Steven Pressfield For the 95% of us who (at least sometimes) procrastinate, what Steven Pressfield calls the “Resistance” often gets in the way. Whatever form your creativity takes, this book describes the insidious way that Resistance causes mischief, and it provides helpful suggestions for moving forward. Here are just a few suggestions from The… Continue Reading

Walk, Bike or Run to Make the World a Little Better

One of my friends wrote that my 3-mile walk last night made her “halfway think about walking around the block.” Besides walking for exercise, I was walking for Charity Miles, which is a great organization that turns miles walked, run, or biked into donations for good causes. I was in a small Missouri town with… Continue Reading

12 Ways to Make Sure Your Learners Use What They Learned

Photo courtesy If our learners don’t use what they learned on the job—then why train them in the first place? Crossing the bridge from training to behavior on the job doesn’t happen for many reasons: they don’t remember how, they don’t feel confident in their new skills, they aren’t sure if the new behaviors… Continue Reading

One More Way to Feel Better: Photos Along the Way

Taking photos while out walking is my variation of stopping to smell the roses. If we remember to be grateful for the things we photograph, it turns out that this can boost our sense of well-being.

Structured OJT: Don’t Just Go & Sit by Fred—Part 2

This is Part 2 of a two-part post on Structured OJT.  Having new employees watch or work with an experienced person to learn their new job is a common approach. However, many are much better at doing a job than at showing someone else how to do it. Without the right planning, expectation-setting, and support,… Continue Reading

One Easy, Natural Productivity Boost

Looking at nature is good for you. Good for mental and physical restoration. Better memory. Better health. More satisfaction in life. It’s good for productivity, too. Photo © Jeanne Farrington What’s amazing is that any of the following can reduce stress, improve mood, and increase productivity: A walk in a nature preserve A view of… Continue Reading

Efficient, Effective OJT: Don’t Just Say, “Go Sit By Fred”

What do you think of on-the-job training (OJT)? Inefficient? Slow? Time-wasting? Maybe. But if we add structure, it can be faster and better. Structured OJT: On-the-job training with objectives, a schedule, planned practice, supporting materials, and well-prepared coaches.  Let’s say you have a few people starting jobs they don’t know how to do. A couple… Continue Reading

7 Steps to More of a Good Thing

Most people (including me) think they exercise more than they do. My Nike+ app just turned over 400 miles, so I thought I was walking and walking. But then I took a deeper look. Last year I sometimes walked as much as 50 or 60 miles/month, averaging 36 miles/month from June through December. I thought… Continue Reading

RIP Google Reader: Long Live Feedly

Why RSS | Feedly to the Rescue | Feedly’s Keyboard Shortcuts At Google’s Take Your Parents to Work Day in April, one dad asked Larry & Sergey why they were discontinuing Google Reader. The reaction from the crowd was loud & sustained—who knew that Google employees and their parents loved Google Reader so much? But… Continue Reading

Busy? Eight Reasons to Move Anyway

I used to hate exercise. Too boring. Too much time, effort, and sweat. A 4-minute walk would drive me crazy. (Sad, I know.) But now, years later, I want to get out there. When I first got serious about walking, I started with 20 minutes. That grew to 40, and now I’m happier if I… Continue Reading