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Writing Many Sections: Get the First One Right

What if you have a whole set of learning modules, dozens of standard operating procedures (SOPs), or a family of learning paths to develop? And let’s say you want to be efficient about putting them together. Maybe it’s only you creating them. Or maybe you’re working with other people to get a big project done… Continue Reading

A Business Essential: How to Say “No”

I was telling my Book Club friends about Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less. They asked me if it’s one of those many business books that should really be an article. Kind of a fun and ironic question about a book that is all about doing less to achieve more. Behind This Screen: Tips for Saying… Continue Reading

August Summer Break

I hope you’re taking some time for yourself this summer. Even if you’re working, a few little breaks can make all the difference. Special evenings off. Dinner with friends. A nap on a weekend day. One thing I’ve noticed, if I don’t put vacation days on my calendar, then time off just doesn’t happen. Also,… Continue Reading

August Summer Days

August is a great tine to take a little break, enjoy the scenery, and keep on walking. I’m taking it a little easier with posting, but I have some links below that you may enjoy. These roses kept me company as I walked by the other day. In case you haven’t seen them, see below… Continue Reading

Five Months to Go: Time for a Check-Up

August already! How does this happen so fast? Just 4 months to go before starting to write goals for 2015 (assuming writing them in December)… so how is 2014 going? Time to dust off those goals you wrote last December or January and see how you’re doing. Are you ahead? Behind in a few things?… Continue Reading

Disagree Without Starting a Riot

How can we suggest that someone’s favorite theory is… not supported by the literature (or, so far as we know, just plain wrong). Do we have to build fences between people who disagree? Not helpful: “That’s the stupidest idea I’ve ever heard.” Much better: “Have you considered…” Disagree gently. We can be pretty sure about… Continue Reading

Seriously, Why Do You Think That’s True?

Someone writes a popular article and suddenly everyone is talking about the benefits of open office landscapes, a particular way to study math, or the “fact” that girls (or boys) are smarter than boys (or girls). How do we avoid the leadership, learning, or performance-focused flavor of the month? Stars in the Daytime? Let’s Check.… Continue Reading

What if Less Really Is More?

I keep seeing suggestions for living a fuller, richer life without quite so much in it. But also, there’s tremendous pressure for many people to constantly do more. I was talking with some leaders recently who said that they are bombarded by ever-changing priorities. Make this a priority, but then make that the priority. They… Continue Reading

Wait! I’m Not Quite Using Those New Skills

I described this process to a director who works in a Fortune 500 company the other day… You go to class (or take one online). You learn how to follow a procedure or process to make the world better in some way… Coaching Your Employees Managing Time Project Management Any Number of Other Things But!… Continue Reading

Bookshelf: The Total Money Makeover

By Dave Ramsey Although he has the third most popular radio show in America, there are still quite a few people who haven’t heard of Dave Ramsey. I am sharing a little about his story in this post because I’ve learned a lot from him, as have some of my friends. I wish I’d heard… Continue Reading