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The Rules of Engagement for Concepts and Rules

If we want to design a program that helps people to learn, we talk about many things, including… Providing the right kind of practice I recently reviewed an elearning program, and I was struck by how difficult it can be to provide the appropriate practice. An Easy Example For concepts, it’s generally not enough to… Continue Reading

Wake Up What They Know Already: My Favorite Ice Breaker

Want to make learning easier? This ice breaker is fun, but more importantly, it also helps participants to “wake up what they already know” about a topic. Is “waking stuff up” important? Yes! Here’s why: We learn by adding to what we already know. When we get people to think about what they know already—even… Continue Reading

Cacophony | Simplicity | Productivity

I keep seeing advice about living a simpler life lately. There are any number of ways to do this, and a few of them include slowing down, purposefully being less busy, and being intentional about what we do with screens. So, what if we simplify the focus? It seems that there’s just… Too much information.… Continue Reading

Reading Well: Harder Than You Think, But So Worth It

In keeping with the idea that “September is a great time to learn a few new things,” I just read the first part of How to Read a Book: The Classic Guide to Intelligent Reading. And yes, I’ve read about a zillion books in my lifetime, but why not see if there’s more to learn… Continue Reading

Tell Great Folks They are “Just Okay”? Maybe Not

How about we…. Hire the best and the brightest people we can find to work in our company and then… …tell the vast majority of them that they are “Just Okay” Hire the Best & Brightest & Then Help Them to Flourish That’s what happens when companies evaluate employees using “stack ranking,” a system that… Continue Reading

Yes, You Can Learn This…

There’s still something about September. Fall is on the way, and school is starting up again. So I loved receiving an email from the Khan Academy today, saying this… Because… I’ve been thinking about giving myself some little assignments to correspond with the new school year. After all, there’s always more to learn. Plus, if… Continue Reading

Give Bad Feedback & Things Get Worse: Cut It Out!

Oh wait! This title is bad feedback all by itself. We’ve all experienced it. Let’s see if we can fix that… Two truths about improving performance: In many cases, giving good feedback might be just what’s needed. Giving good feedback is much harder than it sounds. It’s Not All About What’s Broken Note: Vague feedback… Continue Reading

Change the Technology—What About the Design?

Someone posed this question the other day: What are the design implications when you change the technology? So, let’s assume that we’ve been teaching something face-to-face, but now we want to mediate the training. Put it online, for example. (This was the real question.) Try Chunking Content into Many Smaller Sections Here are some key… Continue Reading

Have Training: What Should We Measure?

Sooner or later, organizations responsible for providing learning & development opportunities have to decide whether to measure how they’re doing. It’s a great idea to use measures to… Improve what we offer (to do a better job) Prove that what we offer is worthwhile (show why we should keep our jobs) What shall I count… Continue Reading

Make Sure They Get It: Say It Again Another Way

One of my university profs had a knack for explaining complicated chemistry concepts and processes. As he spoke, he watched the students’ expressions. If they looked confused, he would explain again another way—until people clearly “got it.” His goal was not to get through his lectures; it was to make sure that we understood what… Continue Reading