Sometimes it helps to start with an Internet search or two and then a mind map. It doesn’t hurt a bit to reflect on goals.
And when it seems like sleeping would be a lot better idea than writing, I ask the Google for advice.
When all else fails, I use my own tips for productivity: KanbanFlow, the Pomodoro Technique, and Donald Miller’s advice about Project One-Project Two-Project Three. Not to mention Momentum’s helpful dashboard.
And for those of you on the east coast in the midst of a huge snowstorm, here is a California flower to brighten your day.
Post | 4 Easy Steps to Organize Your Thoughts
Post | Keeping Resolutions-Goals-Habits Visible with KanbanFlow
Post | To Be More Productive: Get Started/Focus/Take Breaks
Post | KanbanFlow Right Through Your [Productive] Day
Daniel J. Lewis | What to Do When You Don’t Feel Like Blogging or Podcasting
Seth Godin | I Don’t Feel Like It