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Gratitude for Beautiful Things

If you’ve been reading for a while, you know that most images on this site are from photos I take while out walking. It’s a holiday weekend, so I thought I’d share a few pictures from the past two months—a few reasons to feel grateful for the world around us.

11-28 Fall Leaf on Asphalt
Landing Just So

Willow Glen
Dew-Kissed November Rose

11-28 October Frills
October Frills

11-28 Clouds!
Late Afternoon Clouds

11-28 Railroad Trestle
The Amazing Trestle Bridge in Sequim, Washington

11-28 Mt. Olympus
Mt. Olympus from Hurricane Ridge

11-28 Almaden Lake Sunset
Sunset at Almaden Lake

Gratitude is good for us… I’m wishing you all the best.


One More Way to Feel Better: Photos Along the Way

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